
VAVITECH Logistik provides all services connected with logistics and transportation of various cargo by railway and sea.

Our services:

VAVITECH Logistik provides a wide range of services connected to rail and sea transportation of different goods. This includes such services as:

  • Transportation
  • Documentation
  • Payments of tariffs, additional fees
  • Cargo protection & security

Sea freight is one of the safest and most economical ways of delivering goods. It involves transporting goods from one destination to another, following the conditions specified in your contract.

Our company, Vavitech Logistik, organizes sea freight almost to/from all countries of the world. The most popular destinations, when ordering sea freight, are the delivery of goods by sea from China, the USA, Canada,  the Baltic States, Middle Eastern countries, OAU, and other countries.

Benefits of Sea Freight
  • Reliability and integrity of cargo
    The greatest advantage type of delivery is that your cargo is securely fastened in a special container, which was selected by weight, size, and group of transported goods. It is also closed tightly and sealed, which minimizes the risk of damage to your property.
  • Savings on expensive types of freights
    Container shipping by sea transport will help save thousands of dollars on the delivery of your goods. The cost of such services, unlike air freight or auto-delivery, can cost several times cheaper.
    Some goods cannot be delivered exclusively by sea freight. In this situation, we are ready to offer you the best combination of sea, truck, and rail freight.
What industries do you specialize in?

Our team has over 10 years of experience in the transportation of energy goods and agricultural products along with other logistics services, which helps us understand the challenges better as well as know which solutions work best.

As a forwarding agent, VAVITECH Logistik provides:

  • implementation of remote monitoring at all stages of the service;
  • provision of dislocation and the train arrival forecast;
  • assistance in the transport plans coordination.
  • expert advice in relation to the transport of goods and calculation of rail tariffs;
  • loading schemes and technical conditions development
  • cargo release documents at the destination station
  • necessary transportation documents by client’s request
  • cargo insurance services
  • security services for cargo protection

Let’s work together

We’ve been in the logistics business for over 10 years and we’d love to work with you as one of our clients. Send us a message to get the conversation going.