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“Feed the world with the grain. Improve the quality of life for people.”


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Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about VAVITECH LOGISTIK and the services our company offers to numerous countries across the world.

What does VAVITECH do?

We provide transportation and logistics services to companies all over the world. Our main focus is the energy and agriculture sectors, namely the transportation of oil, oil products, coal, as well as grain and oilseeds.

What industries do you specialize in?

We specialize in the agricultural, energy, and logistics industries. Our team has over 10 years of experience in both, which helps us understand the challenges better as well as know which solutions work best.

What is the most important thing for you?

We make sure that our business is contributing to a sustainable future. After all, our children and grandchildren will live in this world therefore we need to make sure that our operations don’t harm future generations.